Disputes often lead to many years of conflict and end up in court. The resulting court proceedings cost a lot of time and money, and usually there is neither a winner nor a loser. But it does not have to be that way. We provide you with a different, out-of-court method of conflict resolution where a solution is found that satisfies all parties to the dispute.
Mediation – liaising between the parties to a conflict by facilitating a compromise that is acceptable to all.
An external third party is appointed mediator and he or she then attempts to find a solution together with the conflict parties.
Regardless of whether the conflict is between business partners, partners or family members. Business mediation lends itself to a variety of conflict situations. Particular mention should be made of conflicts in work teams, conflicts revolving around a business succession or takeover, disputes in a neighbourhood or - in the private domain - conflicts in the event of a divorce or the enforcement of alimony orders.
Thanks to the mediator's training and skill in conducting the negotiations, communication between bitterly divided parties becomes possible and a fact-based dialogue can be initiated. Under the mediator's guidance, constructive solutions are eventually rolled out that manage to accommodate the interests of all parties to the conflict, ensuring that none of the parties to the compromise 'lose face'.
The outcome of the mediation process should not be a loose consensus. Rather, the compromise reached should be solidified in an agreement.
In addition to the financial aspect and the time factor - on account of which mediation becomes preferable to litigation - the social benefits of mediation should also be acknowledged: out-of-court mediation allows all the parties to the conflict to consider themselves winners in the dispute. This ensures that all the parties can continue to work and live together.
Mediation is voluntary. No one can force a party to a conflict to participate in mediation. All the parties to the dispute must want to reach an out-of-court resolution to end the conflict.